619mg Glucosamine Sulphate 2KCI & 110mg Phytodroitin™

Chondroitin sulfate is an important structural component of the extracellular matrix, which contributes to the elasticity of articular cartilage. In addition to its structural role, chondroitin attracts water molecules to the cartilage, while also contributing to the inhibition of proteolytic enzymes that break down the protein structural components of the cartilage.

It is often combined with glucosamine, as these two substances act with a different but synergistic mechanism. This product provides these two active ingredients at levels that have been used in the majority of clinical studies.

Both glucosamine, as well as the chondroitin in this formulation, is of plant origin, which makes this formulation suitable for use by vegetarians and vegans, as well as by people who have a history of hypersensitivity reactions to shellfish.

GlucosaGreen® is a patented form of plant glucosamine produced through fermentation and characterized by identical bioequivalence to shellfish glucosamine.

Phytodroitin™ is a blend of edible seaweed (Cystoides (rock kelp) and Ulva (sea lettuce)) and provides highly absorbed and bioavailable chondroitin.